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#include <iostream> #include <deque> #include <climits> using namespace std; struct Tree { char data; Tree *left; Tree *right; Tree *parent; }; Tree* lookUp(struct Tree *node, char key) { if(node == NULL) return node; if(node->data == key) return node; else { if(node->data < key) return lookUp(node->right, key) ; else return lookUp(node->left, key); } } Tree* leftMost(struct Tree *node) { if(node == NULL) return NULL; while(node->left != NULL) node = node->left; return node; } struct Tree *newTreeNode(int data) { Tree *node = new Tree; node->data = data; node->left = NULL; node->right = NULL; node->parent = NULL; return node; } struct Tree* insertTreeNode(struct Tree *node, int data) { static Tree *p; Tree *retNode; if(node != NULL) p = node; if(node == NULL) { retNode = newTreeNode(data); retNode->parent = p; return retNode; } if(data <= node->data ) { p = node; node->left = insertTreeNode(node->left,data); } else { p = node; node->right = insertTreeNode(node->right,data); } return node; } void isBST(struct Tree *node) { static int lastData = INT_MIN; if(node == NULL) return; isBST(node->left); /* check if the given tree is BST */ if(lastData < node->data) lastData = node->data; else { cout << "Not a BST" << endl; return; } isBST(node->right); return; } int treeSize(struct Tree *node) { if(node == NULL) return 0; else return treeSize(node->left) + 1 + treeSize(node->right); } int maxDepth(struct Tree *node) { if(node == NULL) return 0; int leftDepth = maxDepth(node->left); int rightDepth = maxDepth(node->right); return leftDepth > rightDepth ? leftDepth + 1 : rightDepth + 1; } int minDepth(struct Tree *node) { if(node == NULL) return 0; int leftDepth = minDepth(node->left); int rightDepth = minDepth(node->right); return leftDepth < rightDepth ? leftDepth + 1 : rightDepth + 1; } bool isBalanced(struct Tree *node) { if(maxDepth(node)-minDepth(node) <= 1) return true; else return false; } /* Tree Minimum */ Tree* minTree(struct Tree *node) { if(node == NULL) return NULL; while(node->left) node = node -> left; return node; } /* Tree Maximum */ Tree* maxTree(struct Tree *node) { while(node->right) node = node -> right; return node; } /* In Order Successor - a node which has the next higher key */ Tree *succesorInOrder(struct Tree *node) { /* if the node has right child, seccessor is Tree-Minimum */ if(node->right != NULL) return minTree(node->right); Tree *y = node->parent; while(y != NULL && node == y->right) { node = y; y = y->parent; } return y; } /* In Order Predecessor - a node which has the next lower key */ Tree *predecessorInOrder(struct Tree *node) { /* if the node has left child, predecessor is Tree-Maximum */ if(node->left != NULL) return maxTree(node->left); Tree *y = node->parent; /* if it does not have a left child, predecessor is its first left ancestor */ while(y != NULL && node == y->left) { node = y; y = y->parent; } return y; } Tree *lowestCommonAncestor(Tree *root, Tree *p, Tree *q) { Tree *left, *right; if(root == NULL) return NULL; if(root->left == p || root->left == q || root->right == p || root->right == q) return root; else { left = lowestCommonAncestor(root->left,p,q); right = lowestCommonAncestor(root->right, p,q); if(left && right) return root; else return (left) ? left : right; } } void clear(struct Tree *node) { if(node != NULL) { clear(node->left); clear(node->right); delete node; } } /* print tree in order */ /* 1. Traverse the left subtree. 2. Visit the root. 3. Traverse the right subtree. */ void printTreeInOrder(struct Tree *node) { static int lastData = INT_MIN; if(node == NULL) return; printTreeInOrder(node->left); cout << node->data << " "; printTreeInOrder(node->right); } /* print tree in postorder*/ /* 1. Traverse the left subtree. 2. Traverse the right subtree. 3. Visit the root. */ void printTreePostOrder(struct Tree *node) { if(node == NULL) return; printTreePostOrder(node->left); printTreePostOrder(node->right); cout << node->data << " "; } /* print in preorder */ /* 1. Visit the root. 2. Traverse the left subtree. 3. Traverse the right subtree. */ void printTreePreOrder(struct Tree *node) { if(node == NULL) return; cout << node->data << " "; printTreePreOrder(node->left); printTreePreOrder(node->right); } /* printing array */ void printThisPath(int path[], int n) { for(int i = 0; i < n; i++) cout << (char)path[i] << " "; cout << endl; } /* recursion routine to find path */ void pathFinder(struct Tree *node, int path[], int pathLength) { if(node == NULL) return; path[pathLength++] = node->data; /* Leaf node is the end of a path. So, let's print the path */ if(node->left == NULL && node->right == NULL) printThisPath(path, pathLength); else { pathFinder(node->left, path, pathLength); pathFinder(node->right, path, pathLength); } } /*printing all paths : Given a binary tree, print out all of its root-to-leaf paths, one per line. Uses a recursive helper to do the work. */ void printAllPaths(struct Tree *root) { int path[100]; pathFinder(root,path,0); } bool matchTree(Tree *r1, Tree *r2) { /* Nothing left in the subtree */ if(r1 == NULL && r2 == NULL) return true; /* Big tree empty and subtree not found */ if(r1 == NULL || r2 == NULL) return false; /* Not matching */ if(r1->data != r2->data) return false; return (matchTree(r1->left, r2->left) && matchTree(r1->right, r2->right)); } bool subTree(Tree *r1, Tree *r2) { /*Big tree empty and subtree not found */ if(r1 == NULL) return false; if(r1->data == r2->data) if(matchTree(r1, r2)) return true; return (subTree(r1->left, r2) || subTree(r1->right, r2)); } bool isSubTree(Tree *r1, Tree *r2) { /* Empty tree is subtree */ if(r2 == NULL) return true; else return subTree(r1, r2); } /* change a tree so that the roles of the left and right hand pointers are swapped at every node */ void mirror(Tree *r) { if(r == NULL) return; Tree *tmp; mirror(r->left); mirror(r->right); /* swap pointers */ tmp = r->right; r->right = r->left; r->left = tmp; } /* create a new tree from a sorted array */ Tree *addToBST(char arr[], int start, int end) { if(end < start) return NULL; int mid = (start + end)/2; Tree *r = new Tree; r->data = arr[mid]; r->left = addToBST(arr, start, mid-1); r->right = addToBST(arr, mid+1, end); return r; } Tree *createMinimalBST(char arr[], int size) { return addToBST(arr,0,size-1); } /* Breadth first traversal using queue */ void BreadthFirstTraversal(Tree *root) { if (root == NULL) return; deque <Tree *> queue; queue.push_back(root); while (!queue.empty()) { Tree *p = queue.front(); cout << p->data << " "; queue.pop_front(); if (p->left != NULL) queue.push_back(p->left); if (p->right != NULL) queue.push_back(p->right); } cout << endl; } /* find n-th max node from a tree */ void NthMax(struct Tree* t) { static int n_th_max = 5; static int num = 0; if(t == NULL) return; NthMax(t->right); num++; if(num == n_th_max) cout << n_th_max << "-th maximum data is " << t->data << endl; NthMax(t->left); } /* Converting a BST into an Array */ void TreeToArray(struct Tree *node, int a[]){ static int pos = 0; if(node){ TreeToArray(node->left,a); a[pos++] = node->data; TreeToArray(node->right,a); } } int main(int argc, char **argv) { char ch, ch1, ch2; Tree *found; Tree *succ; Tree *pred; Tree *ancestor; char charArr[9] = {'A','B','C','D','E','F','G','H','I'}; Tree *root = newTreeNode('F'); insertTreeNode(root,'B'); insertTreeNode(root,'A'); insertTreeNode(root,'D'); insertTreeNode(root,'C'); insertTreeNode(root,'E'); insertTreeNode(root,'G'); insertTreeNode(root,'I'); insertTreeNode(root,'H'); /* is the tree BST? */ isBST(root); /* size of tree */ cout << "size = " << treeSize(root) << endl; /* max depth */ cout << "max depth = " << maxDepth(root) << endl; /* min depth */ cout << "min depth = " << minDepth(root) << endl; /* balanced tree? */ if(isBalanced(root)) cout << "This tree is balanced!\n"; else cout << "This tree is not balanced!\n"; /* min value of the tree*/ if(root) cout << "Min value = " << minTree(root)->data << endl; /* max value of the tree*/ if(root) cout << "Max value = " << maxTree(root)->data << endl; ch = 'B'; found = lookUp(root,ch); if(found) { cout << "Min value of subtree " << ch << " as a root is " << minTree(found)->data << endl; cout << "Max value of subtree " << ch << " as a root is " << maxTree(found)->data << endl; } ch = 'B'; found = lookUp(root,ch); if(found) { succ = succesorInOrder(found); if(succ) cout << "In Order Successor of " << ch << " is " << succesorInOrder(found)->data << endl; else cout << "In Order Successor of " << ch << " is None\n"; } ch = 'E'; found = lookUp(root,ch); if(found) { succ = succesorInOrder(found); if(succ) cout << "In Order Successor of " << ch << " is " << succesorInOrder(found)->data << endl; else cout << "In Order Successor of " << ch << " is None\n"; } ch = 'I'; found = lookUp(root,ch); if(found) { succ = succesorInOrder(found); if(succ) cout << "In Order Successor of " << ch << " is " << succesorInOrder(found)->data << endl; else cout << "In Order Successor of " << ch << " is None\n"; } ch = 'B'; found = lookUp(root,ch); if(found) { pred = predecessorInOrder(found); if(pred) cout << "In Order Predecessor of " << ch << " is " << predecessorInOrder(found)->data << endl; else cout << "In Order Predecessor of " << ch << " is None\n"; } ch = 'E'; found = lookUp(root,ch); if(found) { pred = predecessorInOrder(found); if(pred) cout << "In Order Predecessor of " << ch << " is " << predecessorInOrder(found)->data << endl; else cout << "In Order Predecessor of " << ch << " is None\n"; } ch = 'I'; found = lookUp(root,ch); if(found) { pred = predecessorInOrder(found); if(pred) cout << "In Order Predecessor of " << ch << " is " << predecessorInOrder(found)->data << endl; else cout << "In Order Predecessor of " << ch << " is None\n"; } /* Lowest Common Ancestor */ ch1 = 'A'; ch2 = 'C'; ancestor = lowestCommonAncestor(root, lookUp(root,ch1), lookUp(root,ch2)); if(ancestor) cout << "The lowest common ancestor of " << ch1 << " and " << ch2 << " is " << ancestor->data << endl; ch1 = 'E'; ch2 = 'H'; ancestor = lowestCommonAncestor(root, lookUp(root,ch1), lookUp(root,ch2)); if(ancestor) cout << "The lowest common ancestor of " << ch1 << " and " << ch2 << " is " << ancestor->data << endl; /* print tree in order */ cout << "increasing sort order\n"; printTreeInOrder(root); cout << endl; /* print tree in postorder*/ cout << "post order \n"; printTreePostOrder(root); cout << endl; /* print tree in preorder*/ cout << "pre order \n"; printTreePreOrder(root); cout << endl; /* lookUp */ ch = 'D'; found = lookUp(root,ch); if(found) cout << found->data << " is in the tree\n"; else cout << ch << " is not in the tree\n"; /* lookUp */ ch = 'M'; found = lookUp(root,ch); if(found) cout << found->data << " is in the tree\n"; else cout << ch << " is not in the tree\n"; /* printing all paths : Given a binary tree, print out all of its root-to-leaf paths, one per line. Uses a recursive helper to do the work. */ cout << "printing paths ..." << endl; printAllPaths(root); /* find n-th maximum node */ NthMax(root); /* convert the tree into an array */ int treeSz = treeSize(root); int *array = new int[treeSz]; TreeToArray(root,array); cout << "New array: "; for (int i = 0; i < treeSz; i++) cout << (char)array[i] << ' '; cout << endl; delete [] array; /* subtree */ Tree *root2 = newTreeNode('D'); insertTreeNode(root2,'C'); insertTreeNode(root2,'E'); cout << "1-2 subtree: " << isSubTree(root, root2) << endl; Tree *root3 = newTreeNode('B'); insertTreeNode(root3,'A'); insertTreeNode(root3,'D'); insertTreeNode(root3,'C'); insertTreeNode(root3,'E'); cout << "1-3 subtree: " << isSubTree(root, root3) << endl; Tree *root4 = newTreeNode('B'); insertTreeNode(root4,'D'); insertTreeNode(root4,'C'); insertTreeNode(root4,'E'); cout << "1-4 subtree: " << isSubTree(root, root4) << endl; cout << "2-3 subtree: " << isSubTree(root2, root3) << endl; cout << "3-2 subtree: " << isSubTree(root3, root2) << endl; /* swap left and right */ mirror(root); /* deleting a tree */ clear(root); /* make a new tree with minimal depth */ Tree *newRoot = createMinimalBST(charArr,9); /* Traversing level-order. We visit every node on a level before going to a lower level. This is also called Breadth-first traversal.*/ cout << "printing with Breadth-first traversal" << endl; BreadthFirstTraversal(newRoot); return 0; }
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